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Deadly Sin Full Crack [hack]


About This Game Take on the role of Lorelai, a young woman of humble means who learns that her true identity is the heir to a powerful empire! Her quest will take her around the land of Dondoran. On her journey, Lorelai recruits the help of a charming cast of characters, as she seeks to unlock the secrets of her exile, destroy the seven deadly sins, and fulfill her destiny as the true princess!Game Features:Lovable, addicting charactersUnique Steampunk settingClassic look, modern feelStunning original soundtrack 7aa9394dea Title: Deadly SinGenre: Casual, RPGDeveloper:Dancing Dragon GamesPublisher:DegicaRelease Date: 27 Mar, 2015 Deadly Sin Full Crack [hack] In one word: AWFULThis piece is a very poorly made RPG-Maker game. Very boring dungeons with a lot of graphical design flaws and almost no story-telling mix up with endless storytelling.The moment where my fuse burnt out, was at the end of chapter one allready.Wanted to quit and call it a day. Then this: Bossfight-Cutscene-Quizgame-another cutscene-outside the town Tanahn: cannot save-forced to find the next storytelling-cutscene-another fight-cutscene-escape with airship-still not able to save-a very tedious talk to every known char-sleep on airship-YET ANOTHER CUTSCENE playing Dori as a kid and a ghost...It took me over 30 Minutes not being able to save. I am very lucky the game didn't crash on me like the awful lot before.Not to mention this stupid "mug"skill, where thieves steal a percentage of your money instantly porting it to the void.Better keep your hands off.. A very engaging game. Battle system feels mundane in my opinion, but story, characters and music is amazingly enchanting. A good game overall.. Well, game finished. What can I say... the story isn't bad, but I was bored - in every area there are only few types of monsters always reapearing, every battle takes some time (3-6 rounds), the encounters are quite frequent, and I ended up using usually the same moves, what made the game repetitive. No maps too, sometimes you end up blindly wandering to find the right way. There are few minor flaws - some monsters are starting with health 30000\/99999, or they have healing skills with no effect. And Ardelia - has 50000 health, after killing one of my character she heals 10 000. But after killing my Belinda she got like +100 000 health and had something about 126 000\/50 000 health?. The first Dancing Dragon I ever played was Skyborn... it was magical, I really love that game, I beat it like 3 times. When I saw this little game, I imagined that it was going to be something similar to skyborn, and it really was, all the nostalgic feeling was too good. Despite the battles are somewhat repetitive and the monsters attacking me every 3 seconds(that REALLY annoys me) I was enjoying the game, until the final chapter, OMG the grinding... I'm not even complaining about the SUPER OP BOSS, I'm talking the BORING gameplay I had to do in the end of the game. In Skyborn, I could not wait to beat the game, and the AWESOME story was mainly the reason for this excitement. The Deadly Sin story is ok, what killed the game for me was the endless, boring, super hard, super repetitive stuff we had to do at the end(I didn't even finished it, so maybe there's more than I seen).In Skyborn I beated the game 3 times, but this one... I'm gathering all my strenght to do so, I played almost 40 hours, and I'm really frustated with the game. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY HERE. GO BUY SKYBORN if you want to have a nostalgic and fun experience.. I enjoy the RPG maker games because they take me back to the old turn based RPG's of the Super Nintendo and NES days that I really enjoyed. Unfortunately for this one it hits a point where it becomes no longer fun and it is just a grind session. I have eight hours in this and at least three of that is sitting at the same city trying to level up enough to move forward. The game was progressing good but now I have to enter a dungeon fight three fights that usually take 30 minutes then go heal to do it again. I just can't spend that much time grinding when there are so many other games that I can be playing. Maybe someday I'll be willing to put in the work but right now I get enough of that outside of my games so in game I prefer to just enjoy myself.. Ahh, the game is e is or seems to be dumping " trogans" with the latest update. at least thats what Windows Defender is showing. So who knows. Steam overlay does not work for this game, therefore Steam Controller can't be configured for the game. The in-game controls are impossible to configure. Game is unplayable.. As a person who played and enjoyed Deadly Sin II and Skyborn, I saw that this had come out and decided to give it the benefit of the doubt. The dearth of reviews here also made me figure I would contribute. Yes, this is an RPG maker game; but like DSII and SB, it has alot of custom content, probably moreso than most of the Aldorlea games (though those are fine too). I can say this with some confidence since I used to make a RMXP game myself but which never got finished due to my other projects.Anyway; I will say that DS1 is considerably more rough around the edges than its successor, though I guess this is to be expected. After 5 hours of play (just done the desert) my slight issues include:>> There is somewhat less freedom to build the party; for example, I built Teresa in DS2 as my prime DPS rather than my tank (which was Carrion), because I could; but here, for example, Dory is the only real tank. Its also rather hard to pull aggro off Winchester when Dory's biggest aggro pulling move requires 50 OD. Again though, this the hazard of playing the second game after the first.>> The plot just kinda happens to our good princess. I'm rather confused about her in general. On one hand, Lorelei seemingly has some clarity of the coup de tat that deposed her (?) since she talks about it early on. However, she later asks Winchester why he didn't tell her about the fact she was a princess. Perhaps I just missed or got confused over something there? Perhaps this will all be cleared up later on in the plot though.However, whats good:+ Though I moaned about customisation; thats only because I'm spoilt, its still pretty decent and way more involved than most RPG maker games. Only the other Dancing Dragon games and Doom & Destiny are comparable in the same category.+ The character battle animations are good. They're nicely hand drawn and well implemented, and I know that can be a serious pain in RPGmaker. Most of these games don't animate their actual characters at all (they just show the weapon\/attack animation; and actually, that was my one big 'meh' point on Skyborn) so I give this a massive plus.+ Progression feels about right; I tend to be the sort to wander round and get all the treasure, but rarely did I feel like it was taking too long (except maybe a little towards the end of the desert). + Its dangerous carrying a massive treasury. A little thing, but all those mugging thief enemies actually became the bane of your existence. The game tells you to carry your wealth in gems at one point, and you should listen! That said; WTF happens to the gold they steal; you never get it back!?+ Some other reviews comment on bugged maps and unbeatable bosses. Not seen any myself, though will update if I do. Anyway; its worth it enough, at least for me. I would also check out the other games by this group and I hope that they release an excellent DS3 or something eventually!


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